torek, 18. avgust 2015

Če je uspelo meni … / If I did it …

Grozljivo lena sem, kar se tiče telovadbe! Ampak do zdaj sem imela srečo, ker vedno zamujam. V srednji šoli sem vedno tekla na bus, na faksu sem tekla na predavanja, da nisem bila prepozna. In mi je uspelo vzdrževat težo. Potem pa je bilo faksa konec (no, magistrska se še noče sama napisat, ampak enkrat se bo), začela sem delat od doma, nič se ne pomlajujem in EVO - plus kile. :D
I'm lazy as hell when it comes to working out. But I've been lucky so far, because I'm always late. In high school I always had to run in the mornings to catch the bus. At the uni I had to walk really fast so I wasn't too late for my classes. So I kind of kept my weight under control so far. BUT. Then uni ended (well, my masters thesis still hasn't written itself, but I'll get there someday), I started working from home, I'm not getting any younger and BAM! Weight gain. :D 

Počasi sem se naveličala vleč trebuh notri in po kakšnem letu sem se odločila, da je že čas, da nekaj naredim. S prehrano sem imela vse že bolj ali manj urejeno. Ne jem veliko bele moke, mesa ne jem že približno 4 leta in sem od takrat zelo povečala vnos sadja in zelenjave. Spomladi mi kar naenkrat sladkor ni več pasal. Čudno, vem. Ampak sem to izkoristila in ga nehala jest. In zdaj večinoma jem le 70 % čokolado, iz katere sem se še pred pol leta delala norce, in pa doma spečene stvari z manj sladkorja. Najpomembneje - nehala sem se prenažirat z 2-3 obroki, ampak jem raje 4-5 normalnih z zdravimi prigrizki!
So after being tired of sucking my stomach in for about a year, I've decided it's the right time to do something. I've had food pretty much handled. I don't eat much of white flour, I haven't eaten meat for about 4 years now so I've learnt to increase fruit and veggies in my diet. And this spring all of a sudden I've stopped craving sugar. Weird, I know. But I took advantage of it and stopped eating it. I now mostly just eat 70 % chocolate that I've always made fun of and home-baked stuff. And the most important thing - I stopped eating 2-3 too huge meals a day and got to 4-5 with healthier snacks! 

nedelja, 16. avgust 2015

Kriška poda

Celoten prejšnji teden sva z mamo načrtovali, da se odpraviva malo v gore.
The whole last week me and my mother planned to go to the mountains.

torek, 4. avgust 2015

Blebetanje / Babbling #15: Vacation Edition

Še vedno znam plavat, še vedno znam plavat!!! Nisem bila na morju 5 let in nisem bila prepričana. :) Čas hitro mine.
I still know how to swim, I still know how to swim!!! Excuse my excitement, but I haven't been at the seaside for 5 years. Don't exactly know why, the time just passed by I guess? :) 

Z Matejo sva šli v Umag na počitnice. In bilo je super. Najprej - rezervirali sva SUPER apartma. Ponosna sem nase, da sem ga našla. Obožujem Umag. Najbrž sem bila tam že vsaj 15-krat, pa je še vedno zame najljubši morski kraj. Vprašajte me po tem, ko grem v Budvo (nekega dne!), ampak do takrat ostaja na 1. mestu.
Anyhows, Mateja and I went on vacation together in Umag. And it was great. First of all. What an AWESOME place we've booked. I'm proud of myself to have found it. I love Umag. I must have been there at least 15 times and it's still my favourite seaside place. Ask me after I'll go to Budva (someday!), but it'll stay on 1st place till then for sure.

Bili sva v vili Ela, rezervirali prek Bookinga (klik klik) in bilo je mirno, čisto in na super lokaciji, lastniki pa so zelo prijazni! Velik plus: KONČNO nekje nimajo belih brisač in posteljnine!
We went to Villa Ela, booked it on Booking (click click) and it was quiet, clean, on the perfect spot and the owners are super nice! Huge plus: FINALLY a place without white towels or white sheets! 
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