torek, 23. junij 2015

NOTD: New Born Pretty Store plates!

Pred časom so naju presenetili z Born Pretty Store in nama poslali super zbirko 10 novih šablon za vzorčke! 
A while ago Born Pretty Store totally surprised us and sent us this awesome collection of 10 of their new stamping plates! 

Najprej - poglejte lepo embalažo! Čisto preprost karton, ampak je tako lepo oblikovan in krasno shrani šablone. 
First of all - look at the pretty packaging! It's a simple paper pocket, but so beautifully designed and stores the plates perfectly. 

Najdete lahko celotno kolekcijo 10 šablon 61-70 TUKAJ (#20044) ali pa jih kupite vsako posebej.
You can either buy the whole collection of ten plates 61-70 HERE (#20044) or plate by plate separately.

Pri takšni količini novih šablon - kje sploh začeti?! :) Večina vsebuje vzorčke za čez cel noht, ki so na nekaterih šablonah še posebej veliki (četrt šablone), so pa vsi primerni tudi za večje širše nohte - preizkušeno, pri mojih nohtih (razen palca) super zajamejo cel noht. 
With that many new plates - where to start?! :) Most of them have patterns for the whole nail that are extra big on some of the plates (quarter of the plate), and they're all great for wider nails too - they cover my whole nails (except for the thumb). 

Šablona BP-69 je prva, ki mi je padla v oko - TUKAJ (#20042) jo najdete posamično. Najprej sem iz predala izbrskala stari Barry M Peach Melba.
Plate BP-69 was the first one that caught my eye - you can find it HERE (#20042) separately. First I've  found my old Barry M Peach Melba in my drawer!

Bila sem že presenečena nad tem, kako super se obnesejo Born Pretty Store šablone - in te niso nič drugačne! Več ali manj sem se držala Konadovih, ker sem imela slabe izkušnje z eno od prvih Essenc šablon, ampak te so super kot Konadove! Vzorčki se prenesejo z lahkoto - nekaj težav sem imela samo na začetku, ker sem postrgala preveč laka za vzorček na prstancu. Ampak v tem primeru samo obrnite šablono za 90 stopinj, da strgate z drugačnega kota, pa je vse super!
I've already been surprised at how great the Born Pretty Store plates are - and these are no different! I pretty much stuck to Konad after a bad experience with one of the first Essence plates, but these ones are just as great as Konad actually! The patterns transfer easily - I've only had some problems at the beginning because I scraped off too much nail polish when I was stamping my ring finger. In that case - just turn the plate for 90 degrees, so you'll scrape the polish off from a different angle, and then it's perfect! 

Pretirane praske zaradi praskanja laka se še niso naredile - pa uporabljam tisto klasično strgalo, ker sem s karticami preveč nerodna. :) 
There aren't too many scratches on the plates yet - and I use a regular classical scraper, I'm too clumsy with the plastic cards. :)

Odločila sem se za dva vzorčka - enega čez cel noht in pa manjšega na prstancu, na tega pa sem dodala še bleščice, ki na fotkah žal niso tako lepo vidne, so se pa toliko lepše svetile v živo. ;) 
I've decided for two patterns - one over my whole nail and a smaller one on the ring finger and I've also added some glitter, that aren't too visible on the photos but looked great in person. ;) 

Kako izgledajo vsi vzorčki s šablone? Takole: 
How do all the patterns look like? Here they are:

Če vas zamika katera od šablon, ne pozabite uporabiti promo kode za 10 % popusta. ;) 
If you'll shop, don't forget to use our promo code for 10 % off. ;) 

Katero šablono bi rade videle naslednjo? :)
Which plate would you like to see next? :)

3 komentarji:

  1. Te šablone so super. Res mi je všeč kako lepo se vidi odtis na nohtih. Super izgleda. Lep blog.


  2. Uau, izgedajo res super :)

  3. Jaz sem navdušena nad njihovimi šablonami. <3 Ustvarila si zelo lepo manikiro. :)


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