Do you remember the gold and silver studs that I have received from the website Lady Queen?
Metal studs |
No, kamenčki so mi res super všeč, tako da sem jih ponovno uporabila v precej kratkem času.
Well, I liked studs, so I re-used them in a fairly short time.
Metal studs |
Tokrat sicer malce drugače. Uporabila sem jih na zelenih geliš nohtih in jim dodala še nekaj srebrne barve za popestritev.
This time a little differently. I used them on green gelish nails and then added some silver to spice them up.
Metal studs |
Uporaba je preprosta. Na še moker lak sem nanesla kamenček, ga zapekla, nato pa dodala še nadlak.
Application is simple. On the still wet nail polish I applied studs, then used UV lamp and added top coat.
Metal studs |
Trenutno imam lak na nohtih že dober teden, dva dneva sem bila tudi v toplicah, vendar kamenčki še vedno lepo vztrajajo na nohtih.
Currently I have them for a week, for two days I was in the spa, but studs still insist on a nail.
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Metal studs |
Meni so zelo všeč. Kaj pa ti meniš?
I really like them. What about you?
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Metal studs |
Še vedno pa lahko pri naročilu s spletne strani Lady Queen uporabite najino promo kodo za 15% popust.
You can still use our promo code for 15% discount, when ordering from a website Lady Queen.
lovely nails
OdgovoriIzbrišinew post:
Waw, top manikura!
Čudovita manikura ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiLooks great.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSrebrna barva se zelo lepo poda k dizajnu. Odličen post.
Ane? :-) Hvala :-)
IzbrišiZelo lepa manikura :D Kako se pa imenuje zeleni gelish? :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiUfa ... Smalto gel ... led system .. Quick :-)
IzbrišiBarva je pa: 16623 ;-)