Ever since two years ago I experienced a crash with bike in Denmark, I had some fear of the bike, but I decided it was time to get back on the bike.
Church. |
Danes dopoldne mi je prav zadišalo kolesarjenje. Tako sem svoj najljubši bidon (dobila sem ga za roj. dan od none, ki mi ga je priskrbela od mojega najljubšega Slovenskega kolesarja) napolnila z vodo in se odpravila.
This morning I decided to go cycling. I took my favorite bottle (I got it for my birthday from my grandmother, who got it from my favorite Slovenian rider) filled with water and went.
My favourite bottle. |
Because I hate driving on the main road, I decided to cycle on the tarmac.
Čaven. |
Tako se tudi lažje ustavim in naredim še kakšno fotografijo prelepe Vipavske doline, ki je bila danes obsijana s soncem.
This way is also easier to stop and do some more photos of beautiful Vipava valley, which was very sunny today.
Bridge. |
Vipava river. |
Kdaj si pa ti nazadje pobegnila kam s kolesom?
When did you last ran off somewhere by bike?
Vineyards. |
Horses. |
I'm not a cycling girl...I can't cycle, actually =(
OdgovoriIzbrišibut you do have beautiful landscapes to walk in =)
Thank you :-) It is really lovely :-)