ponedeljek, 21. julij 2014

It`s time for shopping

Že lep čas nisem bila nič v šopingu. Volontersko pripravništvo pač terja svoj davek.  Danes pa sem si malo privoščila.
I wasn`t shoping for a long time now. Voluntary internship is taking its toll. Today, however, I bought some things.

Kakšen mesec nazaj sem porabila svoj najljubši parfum, tako da sem se odpravila v Kompas shop, kjer sem imela neznansko srečo in ga dobila po znižani ceni.
About a month ago I spend my favorite perfume, so I went to the Kompas shop, where I was incredibly lucky and got it at a discounted price.

Calvin Klein: ckIN2U

In ker mi je tudi tale božansko dišal in je bil prav tako znižan, sem si privoščila še tega.
And because this also smelled divine and it was also reduced, I afford that to.

Davidoff: Coral Reef

Že nekaj časa si tudi želim kakšno maxi obleko. Tole sem dobila v New Yorkerju in mi je res čudovita.
For some time I also wanted maxi dress. I got this in New Yorker and I think it is really wonderful.

New Yorker dress

V H&M sem dobila tale lušten komplet spodnjega perila:
In H & M I got these cute set of lingerie:

H&M underwear

Pa še v trgovini CCC te bele sandale.
And in shop CCC these white sandals.

CCC sandals

5 komentarjev:

  1. ful lepa obleka! :))
    jaz tudi že doolgo nisem bla v šopingu, zgleda da bom počasi morala iti, ko so ravno znižanja. :)

    1. Hvala, meni je tudi naravnost čudovita :-)
      Veš da, med znižanji je obvezno treba zaviti v trgovine :-P

  2. ohhh fancy shopping! I am actually wearing perfume today to the beach of all places... I'm hormonal and I can't stand the smell of my mom's sunscreen... hope this isn't as bad an idea as it's starting to feel, really =P


  3. Obleka in sandali so cudoviti ;))


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