Sestra je včeraj malce ustvarjala. Kaj pa naj drugega počnemo v teh deževnih dneh? :-)
My sister did some nail art yesterday. What else should we do on those rainy days? :-)
Nastala je tale luštna manikura.
She created this lovely manicure.
Uporabila je: She used:
- roza Elixir no. 133 // pink Elixir no. 133
- bel konad: Solid white // white Konad: Solid white
- konad paletko m65 // Konad m65
- črn Essence nail art: Stamp me! black // black Essence nail art: Stamp me! black.
torek, 29. julij 2014
sobota, 26. julij 2014
Barry M - Pink Flamingo
ponedeljek, 21. julij 2014
It`s time for shopping
Že lep čas nisem bila nič v šopingu. Volontersko pripravništvo pač terja svoj davek. Danes pa sem si malo privoščila.
I wasn`t shoping for a long time now. Voluntary internship is taking its toll. Today, however, I bought some things.
Kakšen mesec nazaj sem porabila svoj najljubši parfum, tako da sem se odpravila v Kompas shop, kjer sem imela neznansko srečo in ga dobila po znižani ceni.
About a month ago I spend my favorite perfume, so I went to the Kompas shop, where I was incredibly lucky and got it at a discounted price.
I wasn`t shoping for a long time now. Voluntary internship is taking its toll. Today, however, I bought some things.
Kakšen mesec nazaj sem porabila svoj najljubši parfum, tako da sem se odpravila v Kompas shop, kjer sem imela neznansko srečo in ga dobila po znižani ceni.
About a month ago I spend my favorite perfume, so I went to the Kompas shop, where I was incredibly lucky and got it at a discounted price.
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Calvin Klein: ckIN2U |
četrtek, 17. julij 2014
Kolesarski izlet // Cycling trip
Vse odkar sem pred dvema letoma doživela padec s kolesom na Danskem, sem imela kar nekaj strahu pred kolesom, vendar sem se odločila, da je že skrajni čas, da se vrnem nazaj na kolo.
Ever since two years ago I experienced a crash with bike in Denmark, I had some fear of the bike, but I decided it was time to get back on the bike.
Ever since two years ago I experienced a crash with bike in Denmark, I had some fear of the bike, but I decided it was time to get back on the bike.
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Church. |
sobota, 5. julij 2014
NOTD: Summer is here
sreda, 2. julij 2014
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