ponedeljek, 29. december 2014

Oberstdorf 27. & 28. & 29. 12. 2014

Pa smo jo dočakali, 63. novoletno skakalno turnejo. Letos bo še posebej zanimiva, saj ni nekega izrazitega favorita. Na spletni strani FIS-a so zmago "napovedali" enemu izmed sledečih:
Soooo, here it is. 63th 4-Hills-Tournament! This year it`s going to be even more interesting because there is no featured favorite. On the web site of FIS they posted a list of the jumpers who could possible win:

Anders Fannemel - Norveška//Norway
Anders Fannemel

Roman Koudelka - Češka// Czech Republic
Roman Koudelka

Simon Ammann - Švica//Switzerland
Simon Ammann
Michael Hayboeck - Avstrija//Austria

Michael Hayboeck

 Severin Freund - Nemčija//Germany
Severin Freund
 Peter Prevc - Slovenija//Slovenia

Peter Prevc

Kdo bo zmagovalec pa bomo izvedeli 6. 1. ko se bo turneja končala. 
We will find out who the winner is on 6. 1. when the 4-Hills-Tournament will end.

V soboto, 27. 12. 2014, so potekale kvalifikacije, kjer smo dobili pare za prvo tekmo.  
On Saturday, 27. 12. 2014, there was a qualification round, where we find couples for the first competition:

V nedeljo bi morala potekati prva tekma, vendar so imeli težave zaradi premočnega vetra in sneženja. Poskušali so s prekinitvami, ampak so po skoraj treh urah obupali in tekmo odpovedali.
There should be a competition on Sunday, but there was very strong wind and a lot of snow so after almost 3 hours they had to cancel the competition.

Strong wind!
Tekma je tako potekala danes, 29. 12. 2014. Sama tekma je potekala brez večjih presenečenj, razen zadnjega para. Simon Ammann je pri doskoku grdo padel in tako zapravil priložnost za skok v finalni seriji, s tem pa tudi zmago na letošnji turneji.
First competition was today, 29. 12. 2014. There was no big surprises during the competition, except the last couple. Simon Ammann fall and he didn`t come to the secound round. That`s why he lost hope for the win on this year`s 4-Hills-Tournament.

Simon Ammann
Zmagal je Avstrijec Stefan Kraft, drugi je bil Avstrijec Michael Hayboeck, tretji pa naš Peter Prevc! Čestitke!
Austrian Stefan Kraft was the winner, Michael Hayboeck was second and Slovenian Peter Prevc third. Congratulation!

Michael Hayboeck, Stefan Kraft, Peter Prevc
Od naših orlov sta v finalno serijo prišla še Jernej Damjan, ki je na koncu bil 9. in Robert Kranjec, ki je tekmo končal na 24. mestu. Vse rezultate si lahko ogledate tule.
Jernej Damjan was 9th and Robert Kranjec was 24th. To see all the resoults go here.

Po poškodbi se je uspešno vrnil tudi Poljak Kamil Stoch, ki je na koncu zasedel odlično 4. mesto! 
After an injury we saw a great come back of Kamil Stoch who was 4th at the end!

4 komentarji:

  1. I totally missed out on the whole 4Hills this year...need to remind myself to watch tomorrow and Thursday!!! I totally love Hayboeck's hat though... and Prevc is looking cuter this year =D


    1. OMG! How could you forget about 4-hills???? :-P I will remind you tomorrow to watch :-)

  2. Tooooo samo, da so skoki..vse tekme spremljam, če je le možno:) In Peter je tako ali tako moj favorit:) super objavica!!

    Moj blog: http://candylovestreet.blogspot.com/

    1. Hvala :-) Tudi sama sem naravnost nora na skoke (in skakalce :-P ) tako da tekme z veseljem spremljam :-)


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