Go to Hell! |
Stick Go to Hell! is round, which may surprise you, because we are accustomed to a more rectangular shape with sticks. Front is transparent so that the colors are clearly visible.
Go to Hell! |
Sestavljena iz 19. senčil, ki so postavljene v krogu. Tu najdete res pestro zbirko barv: od zelene, vijolične, modre, črne in nude odtenkov.
Consists of 19 shades, which are placed in a circle. Here you can find really diverse collection of colors from green, purple, blue, black and nude shades.
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Go to Hell! |
12 senčk je šimrastih, 7 pa mat. Primerna je bolj za večerne/močnejše makeup-e.
Trere is 12 shimmery eyeshadows and 7 mat. It is suitable for evening/stronger makeup.
Go to Hell! |
Šimraste barve so bolj pigmentirane kot pa mat, ki se jih tudi težje nanaša, ker so senčke precej majhne.
Shimmery colors are more pigmented than the mat, which are also difficult to relate because eyeshadows are quite small.
Go to Hell! |
Paletko lahko kupite na spletni strani licila.si za 9,95€.
Go to Hell! |
You can buy it in Hungary, Croatia and Czech.
Go to Hell! |
nice! I kinda wanted the Go To Heaven one, I think, but...
Go to Heaven is also very nice :-) I want it too :-)