On Sunday me and my friends decided to do some recreation.
Rože. Flowers. |
Odpravili smo se na Nanos (1100m).
We went to Nanos (1100m).
Nanos. |
Na začetku smo sicer bili malce v dvomu, ali bo vreme sploh zdržalo.
At the beginning we weren`t sure about the weather because there was a chance of rain.
Nanos. |
Imeli smo srečo, saj je le na vrhu malce pršelo, drugače pa je vreme zdržalo.
But we were lucky, we had just a litlle rain at the top, otherwise it was ok.
Nanos. |
Imeli smo se super. Nahodili smo se, naklepetali tudi.
We had a great time. We had enought walking and talking.
Vojkova koča. Vojko lodge. |
Kmalu gremo še kam skupaj.
Soon we will go also somewhere alse.
Vrh Nanosa. Top of the Nanos. |
it doesnt look like something I would do, but it's beautiful =)
It is beautifull :-)
IzbrišiHahahaha, you can get on the top with a car :-P