sobota, 23. junij 2012

Barry M Dusky Mauve

Ne morem verjeti, da vam še nisem pokazala tega lepotca! Je zagotovo eden najlepših lakov kar jih imam. Krasne sivo-rjave barve z vijoličnim šimrom in ko posije nanj sonce ... Ahhh. Kar oglejte si fotke.
I can't believe I didn't show you this beauty yet! It's definitely one of the most gorgeous nail polishes I have. Stunning grey-brown with lots of purple shimmer and when the sun shines on it ... Ahhh. Just look at the photos.

Barry M Dusky Mauve

Barry M Dusky Mauve

Barry M Dusky Mauve

Barry M Dusky Mauve

Barry M Dusky Mauve

Barry M Dusky Mauve

Barry M Dusky Mauve

Imate kaj podobnega? 
Do you have anything similar? 

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