ponedeljek, 23. februar 2015

NOTD: Catrice: Greencard to Surreality

Še en Catrice lakec iz omejene kolekcije, ki mi je padel v oči, tako da sem ga morala kupiti. :-D 
Another Catrice nail polish from a limited collection that I saw and just had to buy. :-D

Catrice: Greencard to Surreality

sobota, 21. februar 2015

MakeUp Revolution: Salvation velvet lacquer: Keep lying for you: review

Vem, da vas je kar nekaj takih, ki ni preveč navdušenih nad temi šminkami, ampak meni so svetovne! 
I know there are quite a few of those who is not too enthusiastic about these lipsticks, but for me, they are the best!

MakeUp Revolution: Keep lying for you

torek, 17. februar 2015

NOTD: Catrice: Lilas Bleus

Catrice mat lak za nohte: Rock-O-Co: Lilas Bleus. 
Catrice matt nail polish: Rock-O-Co: Lilas Bleus.
Catrice: Lilas Bleus

nedelja, 15. februar 2015

Vikersund 14. & 15. 2. 2015

Tole je bil pa res nor vikend! :-) Nov svetovni rekord, nov vodilni, res je bilo noro.
This was really a crazy weekend! :-) The new world record, the new leader, it was really crazy.


sobota, 14. februar 2015

Sleek: Lychee lipstick review

Verjamete ali ne, ampak niso vse moje šminke rdeče :-P  
Believe it or not, but not all of my lipsticks are red :-P

Sleek: Lychee

četrtek, 12. februar 2015

NOTD: Catrice: Madame De Pinkadour

Nekaj časa, sem imela geliš nohte, sedaj pa je res bil že čas za "navaden" lak. :-)
Catrice: Madame De Pinkadour

For some time now I had gelish nails but now it really is time for "ordinary" lacquer. :-)

Catrice: Madame De Pinkadour

ponedeljek, 9. februar 2015

Sleek: Red Chilli lipstick review

Še ena nova rdeča šminka v moji zbirki. Tokrat Sleek šminka, odtenek Red Chilli. 
Another red lipstick in my collection. This time Sleek lipstick: Red Chilli.

Sleek:  Red Chilli

petek, 6. februar 2015

New in January

1. Škornji za v sneg // Boots for snow
Kot Primorka, ki se je nedavno preselila v Grosuplje, kjer imajo kar nekaj snega, sem nujno potrebovala nove škornje za po snegu. :-P  // I recently moved to Grosuplje, where they have some snow so I urgently needed new boots for the snow. :-P

2. & 3. Catrice matt nail lacquer limited edition: saj ne, da potrebujem nove lake, ampak poglej si to embalažo nooooo :-D // Not that I need new nail polishes, but look at this packageeeee :-D

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