torek, 30. december 2014

Secret Santa

Blogerke smo se letos dogovorile za medsebojno obdarovanje. Predlog je podala Živa, ki ima svoj blog: Nothin` fancy. Really. Tiste, ki smo bile za, smo se prijavile k sodelovanju, ona pa je potem naredila žreb in ti poslala ime tiste blogarke, ki jo imaš za obdarovati.
Slovenian Bloggers decided this year to send gifts to each other. This was a preposition of Živa, her blog is: Nothin` fancy. Really. So each one of us got another bloggers and we had to buy her a gift.

Sama sem dobila Urško, njen blog pa je: Get them curious. Get them talking. Tole je Urška prejela od mene:
I got Urška, from Get them curious. Get them talking. This is what I bought for her:
Foto by: Urška

ponedeljek, 29. december 2014

Oberstdorf 27. & 28. & 29. 12. 2014

Pa smo jo dočakali, 63. novoletno skakalno turnejo. Letos bo še posebej zanimiva, saj ni nekega izrazitega favorita. Na spletni strani FIS-a so zmago "napovedali" enemu izmed sledečih:
Soooo, here it is. 63th 4-Hills-Tournament! This year it`s going to be even more interesting because there is no featured favorite. On the web site of FIS they posted a list of the jumpers who could possible win:

Anders Fannemel - Norveška//Norway
Anders Fannemel

torek, 23. december 2014

Sanjski nohti // Dreamy Nails

Rada bi imela super izgovor za odsotnost in tako pozno objavo. Ampak iskreno. Kriv je Scandal. Kar je super izgovor, ker gre za super serijo, tako da … Joj, res te zasvoji, ko si čez prvih 6 delov, ki so čisto povprečni, potem se pa začne in si konec do zadnjega dela. :D 
I'd love to have an awesome excuse for being absent and writing this that late. But honestly. It's Scandal's fault. Which is a pretty awesome excuse since the show is awesome so … Gosh, they have you hooked once you go through the first 6 episodes which are totally average and then - you're done till you watch them all. :D 

Kakorkoli, nove epizode pridejo mislim da šele februarja, tako da imam končno čas za objavo o super paketku, ki sem ga prejela z Born Pretty Store! Izbrala sem tri lepotce za moje nohte:
Anyways, new episodes are out in February, I think, so I finally have time to write about the awesome package I received from Born Pretty Store! I chose these three beauties for my nails: 

petek, 19. december 2014

I heart makeup: Go to Hell!

Go to Hell!
Paletka Go to Hell! je okrogle oblike, kar nekatere lahko preseneti, saj smo navajeni bolj pravokotnih oblik pri paletkah. Na sprednji strani je prozorna, tako da so barve lepo vidne.
Stick Go to Hell! is round, which may surprise you, because we are accustomed to a more rectangular shape with sticks. Front is transparent so that the colors are clearly visible.

četrtek, 11. december 2014

Makeup Revolution: Girls on film

MUR: Girls on film

Paletka Makeup Revolution: Girls on film vsebuje kar 18 odtenkov: je kombinacija šimrastih (12) in mat (6) senčk.
Pallete Makeup Revolution: Girls on film have 18 shades: it is a combination of shimmer (12) and matte (6) shades.

četrtek, 4. december 2014

New in November

1. Maska za lase: Schwarzkopf Gliss Hair Repair
Tretman za daljše lase, nagnjene k razcepljenim konicam. Sporočim, če deluje. :-P 
Treatment for longer hair prone to split ends. I will let you know if it works. :-P
Gliss hair repair

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